Friday, February 2, 2007

ACLU will help! :-)

I just got an email from the American Civil Liberties Union saying that they will have an attorney investigate the case, and if my blog is accurate (and it is!) they think there's a strong case for habeas corpus in a federal court that will take the case completely out of Diagon. No way that was a fair trial.

So there's hope for David Josephssen. And I guess some folks in Diagon are going to find out about the power of the blogosphere! And I was the first to blog about it! The only blogger in Diagon! And I did it!!!


  1. ACLU really stands for Anti-Christian League of Unbelievers. Anyone they go to court for probably has 666, the Mark of the Beast, engraved on his soul.

    If David does not repudiate their "help" then he surely deserves to hang.

  2. Does anyone know how to start a legal defense fund? Or would the ACLU be handling that?

  3. @ Dragon

    Then I guess the Klan is going to Hell! The ACLU has defended their rights many times--even though they disagree with almost everything the KKK stands for.

  4. Isn't it a coincidence that in Arkansas, K is the sixth letter of the alphabet? Guess what 666 represents?

  5. I have also brought this to the attention of Amnesty International. There's an international element of this case, of course.

    However, probably more important is that AI, like all civilized organizations and countries, is adamantly opposed to the death penalty. They are fighting it in totalitarian countries, as well as in brutalized, regressive democracies.

  6. Too much of your Secular Humanist garbage. All the Great Empires of Prophecy had the death penalty in the days of their greatness: Babylon, Assyria, Greece, Rome, China, Russia. And just look what has become of them in these End Times!

    As Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has said:

    It is better that a hundred of the righteous shall perish than that one sinner shall escape punishment. For verily I say unto thee: The righteous shall join me in Paradise.

  7. @ Witness:

    Actually, I study the Bible, too. Could you please tell me in what version you found that extraordinary quote? I don't know where Jesus said any such thing.

  8. @ GreatBrit

    It's from one of the Gnostic gospels. IIRC, the Gospel of St. Thomas.

    There is disagreement among scholars whether this is referring to capital punishment or to natural disasters.

    When we discuss this in class, some of my graduate students argue that it is ironic, rather than literal. They may have a point.

  9. @ GreatBrit:

    I read only the one true Bible--The King James Version with the Words of Jesus in Red.

    "Modern translations" are full of errors introduced by Liberals, Professors, and Unbelievers. Do not be seduced by them.

  10. @ Witness:

    Um. OK.

    Can you please tell me chapter and verse?

  11. Capital punishment is government-sponsored murder on a small scale. War is government-sponsored murder on a large scale.

    Can someone please explain why they are getting so exercised about the fate of one possibly-innocent person in Texas while thousands of innocents are being killed in Iraq--not to mention Darfur?

  12. @realist:

    You don't get it. This isn't one lone coder, it's the tip of the iceberg, the test case. Out there in cyberspace nobody knows whether you're what you claim. This Josephsson guy claimed to be a coder, or programmer, or software engineer, or something. Then he didn't come through.

    If we let this sort of thing go unpunished, cyberspace will make West of the Pecos look tame.

  13. April 7 is fast approaching, and I don't see anything like a coherent plan to help dvdjo. Maybe the ACLU has something up their sleeve, but they've been keeping it very close to the vest while the mills of the gods grind slowly.

    Can't anybody do anything?

  14. @ Worried:

    There's more going on than meets the eye, but the bulk of the planning is taking place in the security of Fourth Life. I can mention this, because we know that the RIAA already knows about 4L: We've caught RIAA avatars trying to sneak in, without realizing that cloaks of invisibility don't work in 4L.

    Planning is well advanced, but we are going to need a number of points of physical presence in and near Diagon to execute them. If in RL you live within 600 miles of Diagon, please be prepared to head there to support operations on very short notice.

  15. I've been a card-carrying member of ACLU since about the time I understood what a civil liberty was.

    But ACLU is, frankly, in over their heads in cyberspace. Has anyone contacted EFF? They actually have the skills to operate in this arena.

  16. @ Card carrier -

    I'm an ACLU member, too. But I worry about the Electronic Frontier Fighters. Someone quoted them as saying "Vigilante justice is an essential part of a vibrant frontier," which doesn't bode very well for their participation in this case.

  17. We need those questionnaire responses by midnight tomorrow. We have received them from most of the potential physical points of presence. However, we have not received a P4 response from any the following:


    We made one attempt to contact each by email, but for security reasons, will not try again.

    If you think you are a P4, but did not receive a questionnaire, the most likely reason is that your identity has been compromised (e.g., by reading this blog without TOR protection). We are too close to a final action plan to conduct any further clearance investigations.


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