Sunday, April 1, 2007

It's over.

I have borrowed a friend's account for one final post: David Josephssen is dead. He was hanged about an hour ago from Diagon's famous white oak tree in the park at the corner of Diagon Alley and Lonesome Valley Road.

Technically, this was not a lynching. It was performed in daylight by Sheriff Grayson and his deputies as instructed by an Emergency Execution Order from Judge Bean.

I think the judge may have been tipped off by someone, because less than half an hour after the hanging, two US Marshals showed up with a Writ of habeas corpus and a Stay of Execution. In what passes for wit around here, they were told that "habeas corpse beats habeas corpus." Sheriff Grayson told them they were welcome to cut down the body and take it with them, to save him the trouble of arranging a burial, which they did.

Whatever he did on the Internet, David certainly didn't deserve this. May his soul rest in peace.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Grounded! :-(

I'm grounded. This is my last post (at least for a long, long time). I should have known that the DA and all those three-piece suits would wonder how the ACLU found out about the case of David Josephssen, and that it wouldn't take them very long with Google to find my blog. Diagon's such a small town that anyone seeing the blog would know it was me.

So the DA came around to the house today. I'm not sure if my folks were madder because I had cut classes, or because the DA told them, "I don't want to see that kid around the courthouse again. Ever. Even on the sidewalk. On the other side of the street. And you'd better keep him away from the Internet."

I told them I had to log on one last time to close the account, and they don't know I'm making this post. They're taking away my Powerbook. Mom says that maybe I'll get it back on April 1, if I make straight A's ("An A- doesn't count") on my next report card, but Dad says he'll kick my butt if I don't go out for spring football practice, and that I won't get my computer back until I make the first team. ("And then you won't have time for it.")

Please don't forget that David isn't out of trouble yet. Please do whatever you personally do to keep a kid from being killed: Write your Congressman, pray, make a contribution to ACLU, blog, wring your hands, whatever.



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